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Cara Mudah Hack Akun Facebook Orang dengan cepat
Jangan sedih dulu karena Google
baru saja menelurkan produk barunya, yaitu Google Code Search. Ancaman
baru mulai timbul, “si pintar” ini kini dapat meng-crawl hingga kepada
archive file yang berada di public directory web server. Hati-hati yang
punya kebiasaan untuk menyimpan informasi penting di dalamnya (password,
dan info berharga lainnya) Sebaiknya mulai sekarang kebiasaan itu
dihilangkan. Selalu proteksi folder-folder yang sensitif agar situs anda
bisa hidup lebih lama. Kalo nggak… yach.. tunggu ajah ada orang yang
memanfaatkan produk baru google ini untuk mengeruk informasi sensitif
dari web server anda. dan jika itu sudah terjadi… maka bersiaplah..
“taman bermain” anda akan diambil alih olehnya.
Sumber: Cara Mudah Hack Akun Facebook Orang dengan Cepat
Cara Ngehack facebook
atau hack password facebook orang lain menjadi pengetahuan yang banyak
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merugikan orang lain, jika sekedar ingin tahu tidak jadi masalah keculi
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biasanya jika facebook kena hack pemilik akun facebook tidak bisa login
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Menurut saya ngehack facebook milik orang tidak ada gunanya sama sekali,
paling kita hanya ngintip foto pemilik akun facebook, alamat email dan
data-data lainnya yang kurang bermanfaat buat kita, kalau sekedar iseng
ngerjain teman atau pacar mungkin gak apa-apa asal jangan keterlaluan
saja. Oke buat anda yang penasaran bagaimana cara ngehack facebook orang
lain setelah beberapa waktu lain saya juga pernah menulis cara hack
facebook orang lain dengan keylogger, sekarang bagaimana cara hack
facebook orang lain dengan cara yang lain :
1. Siahkan Buka situs ini untuk langsung hack : HACKER SERVER FACEBOOK
atau Download Facebook Frezer berikut ini : Download dengan password: yurieke.
atau bisa juga Download FACEBOOK Account Hacker Versi 2,4 dan Versi 2012 :
atau Download Facebook Frezer berikut ini : Download dengan password: yurieke.
atau bisa juga Download FACEBOOK Account Hacker Versi 2,4 dan Versi 2012 :
2. Jalankan Program untuk menghalangi pemilik akun facebook password login
3. Jika Programnya sudah mati , pemilik facebook sudah bisa masuk ke akun nya
Cara ini merupakan cara paling mudah hacking facebook orang lain atau
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anda lihat pada postingan yang lalu, pertanyaan nya apa gunanya kita
hack facebook orang lain kalau kita sendiri tidak suka jika dihack
Pencurian password, pengambilalihan account, merupakan hal yang sering
terjadi di dunia cyber. Bukan hal yang sulit untuk melakukannya, namun
banyak para newbie yang terus saja bertanya-tanya. . “Bagaimana cara
mendapatkan password email orang lain?” atau pertanyaan yang paling
sering saya terima ialah.. “Bagaimana cara anda mendapatkan password
Untuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan itulah artikel ini ditulis, semoga bisa
menambah wawasan anda dan membuka pikiran anda tentang betapa pentingnya
menjaga account saat berada di tempat-tempat rawan.
Bagaimana Mendapatkannya? …
Ada banyak cara untuk mendapatkan suatu password. Beberapa diantaranya
tidak membutuhkan keahlian khusus. Berikut adalah cara-cara yang paling
umum dan paling sering digunakan : …..
[1]. Social Engineering
[2]. KeyLogger
[3]. Web Spoofing
[4]. Menghadang Email
[5]. Password Cracking
[6]. Session Hijacking
[7]. Menjadi Proxy Server
[8]. Memanfaatkan Kelalaian User Dalam Penggunaan FiturBrowser
[9]. Googling
[1]. Social Engineering
Social Engineering adalah nama suatu tehnik pengumpulan informasi dengan
memanfaatkan celah psikologi korban. Atau mungkin boleh juga dikatakan
sebagai “penipuan” Sosial Engineering membutuhkan kesabaran dan
kehati-hatian agar sang korban tidak curiga. Kita dituntut untuk kreatif
dan mampu berpikiran seperti sang korban.
Social Engineering merupakan seni “memaksa” orang lain untuk melakukan
sesuatu sesuai dengan harapan atau keinginan anda. Tentu saja
“pemaksaan” yang dilakukan tidak secara terang-terangan atau diluar
tingkah laku normal yang biasa dilakukan sang korban. Manusia cenderung
untuk percaya atau mudah terpengaruh terhadap orang yang memiliki nama
besar, pernah (atau sedang berusaha) memberikan pertolongan, dan
memiliki kata-kata
atau penampilan yang meyakinkan. Hal ini sering dimanfaatkan pelaku
social engineering untuk menjerat korbannya. Seringkali sang pelaku
membuat suatu kondisi agar kita memiliki semacam ketergantungan
kepadanya.Ya, tanpa kita sadari dia mengkondisikan kita dalam suatu
masalah dan membuat ( seolah – olah hanya ) dialah yang bisa mengatasi
masalah itu. Dengan demikian,tentu kita akan cenderung untuk menuruti
apa yang dia instruksikan tanpa merasa curiga.
Sosial Engineering adakalanya menjadi ancaman serius. Memang sepertinya
tidak ada kaitan dengan teknologi, namun sosial engineering tetap layak
diwaspadai karena bisa berakibat fatal bagi sistem anda. Why?? Karena
bagaimanapun juga suatu komputer tetap saja tidak bisa lepas dari
manusia. Ya, tidak ada satu sistem komputerpun di muka bumi ini yang
bisa lepas dari campur tangan manusia. sehebat apapun pertahanan anda,
jika anda sudah dikuasai oleh attacker melalui social engineering, maka
bisa jadi anda sendirilah yang membukakan jalan masuk bagi sang
[2]. KeyLogger
KeyLogger adalah software yang dapat merekam aktivitas user. Hasil rekaman itu biasa disimpan berupa teks atau gambar.
KeyLogger bekerja berdasarkan ketukan keyboard user. Aplikasi ini mampu
mengenali form-form sensitif seperti form password misalnya.
Ada cara aman untuk menghindari keyloger:
1. Gunakan password dengan karakter special seperti !@#$%^&*(){}[].
Kebanyakan keyloger akan mengabaikan karakter ini sehingga sang pelaku
(pemasang keyloger) tidak akan mendapatkan password anda yang
2. Persiapkan password dari rumah, simpan dalam bentuk teks. Saat ingin
memasukkan password, tingal copy-paste ajah. Keyloger akan membaca
password anda berdasarkan ketukan keyboard. Namun cara ini agak
beresiko. Mengapa? karena saat anda melakukan copy, data anda akan
tersimpan di clipboard. Saat ini banyak dijumpai software-software
gratis yang bisa menampilkan data dalam clipboard.
[3]. Web Spoofing
Masih ingat kasus pecurian Account sejumlah nasabah Bank BCA? Ya, itulah
salah satu contoh nyata dari Web spoofing. Inti dari tehnik ini ialah
dengan memanfaatkan kesalahan user saat mengetikkan alamat situs pada
address bar. Pada dasarnya, Web Spoofing adalah usaha untuk menipu
korban agar mengira dia sedang mengakses suatu situs tertentu, padahal
Pada kasus bank BCA, pelaku membuat situs yang sangat mirip dan identik
dengan situs aslinya sehingga sang korban yang terkecoh tidak akan
merasa ragu mengisikan informasi sensitif seperti user name dan
Passwordnya. Padahal, karena situs tersebut adalah situs tipuan, maka
semua informasi berharga tadi terekam oleh webserver palsu, yaitu milik
sang pelaku.
[4]. Menghadang Email
Menghadang email? Ya, dan sangat mudah untuk melakukan hal ini. Salah
satu cara adalah dengan menggunakan mailsnarf yang terdapat pada utility
dsniff. Cara kerja Mailsnarf adalah dengan menghadang paket data yang
lewat di Internet dan menyusunnya menjadi suatu email utuh.
Dsniff dan mailsnift merupakan software bekerja atas dasar WinPcap
(setara dengan libcap pada Linux) yaitu suatu library yang menangkap
paket-paket data. Paket-paket yang ditangkap ini akan disimpan dalam
bentuk file oleh Windump, sedangkan Dsniff dan MailSnarf bertindak lebih
jauh lagi yaitu menganalisa paket-paket data ini dan menampilkan
password (dsniff) atau isi email (mailsnarf).
[5]. Password Cracking
“Hacking while sleeping.” itulah ungkapan yang biasa dipakai oleh
orang-orang yang melakukan password cracking. Mengapa? Karena pada
umumnya dibuthkan waktu yang lama untuk melakukan pasword cracking. Bisa
berjam-jam, bahkan berhari – hari! Semua itu tergantung dari target,
apakah sang target menggunakan password yang umum, password memiliki
panjang karakter yang tidak biasa, atau password memiliki kombinasi
dengan karakter-karakter special.
Salah satu software yang biasa digunakan untuk melakukan hal ini ialah
dengan mengunakan Brutus, salah satu jenis software remote password
cracker yang cukup terkenal. Brutus bekerja dengan teknik dictionary
attack atau bruce-force attack terhadap port-port http, POP3,ftp,
telnet, dan NetBIOS.
Dictionary Attack bekerja dengan mencobakan kata-kata yang ada dalam
kamus password. Sedangkan brute – force attack bekerja dengan mencobakan
semua kombinasi huruf, angka, atau karakter.
Brute Force Atack bekerja sangat lambat dan membutuhkan waktu yang lama
tergantung dari jenis spesifikasi komputernya dan panjang karakter
passwordnya. Saat ini telah banyak situs yang menutup akses terhadap
akses terhadap usaha login yang secara terus-menerus tidak berhasil.
[6]. Session Hjacking
Session hijacking dewasa ini semakin marak dikalangan para attacker.
Session Hijacking biasa dilakukan dengan melakukan peniruan cookies.
Jadi pada intinya, kita harus bisa meniru cookies sang korban untuk
mendapatkan sesi loginnya.
Lalu bagaimana cara mendapatkan cookies sang korban?
Cara ini relatif sulit dilakukan.
2. Mencuri Cokies.
Misalnya Sang Attacker ingin mendapatkan account si A. Sang Attacker
bisa dengan mudah membuat semacam script Java Script yang disisipkan
dalam email untuk dikirim ke korban.Saat korban membuka email itu, tanpa
sadar cookiesnya akan dicuri dan direkam ke suatu webserver dengan
memanfaatkan suatu script PHP.
Belakangan ini yang paling sering menjadi incaran adalah account Friendster.
Ada yang menyisipkan suatu scipt lewat testimonial, ada yang
menyisipkannya di profilnya sendiri untuk mencuri cookies sang korban
dan lain sebagainya. Saya memiliki tips untuk ini:
1. Jangan menggunakan browser Internet Explorer
Saat ingin membuka profil orang lain, jangan menggunakan Internet
Explorer. Catat alamat profil yang ingi anda lihat,logout terlebih
dahulu dari account anda dan bersihkan semua cookies, baru kemudian
bukalah profil Friendster tujuan.
2. Periksa Source CODEnya
Ketika menerima testimonial, periksa terlebih dahulu source codenya.
Apakah disana terdapat script asing atau kata-kata yang identik dengan
pembajakan seperti :
“HACKED”, “DEFACED”, “OWNED”.. dll..
Jika ragu-ragu……. reject ajah..
3. LogOUT tiba-tiba.
Waspada ketika tanpa suatu alasan yang jelas tiba-tiba anda logout
dengan sendirinya dari account anda. Saat anda diminta memasukkan
username dan password, lihat dulu addressbar anda! apakan anda sedang
berada di situs yang semestinya atau tidak. Periksa source code halaman
tersebut.Lihat pada form action, kemana informasi anda nantinya akan
Sebenarnya session hijacking bisa dicegah jika saja sang penyedia layanan memperhatikan hal-hal berikut:
1. Menetapkan session identifier yang unik
2. Menetapkan sistem identifier berpola acak
3. Session identifier yang independen
4. Session identifier yang bisa dipetakan dengan koneksi
client side.
Fenomena lain adalah, hingga saat artikel ini diterbitkan, ternyata
masih banyak dijumpai para user yang tidak melakukan sign out setelah
membuka accountnya. Dengan demikian, orang lain yang mengunakan komputer
itu dan membuka website yang sama dengan yang telah dibuka oleh orang
pertama akan otomatis login ke account sang korban.
[7]. Menjadi Proxy Server
Kita bisa mengumpulkan informasi dengan menjadi proxy server bagi korban
untuk dapat berselancar. Dengan menjadi proxy server, seluruh identitas
sang peselancar bisa menjadi milik kita.
[8]. Memanfaatkan Kelalaian user dalam penggunaan fiturbrowser
Setiap browser tentunya memiliki fitur yang ditujukan untuk kemudahan
dan kenyamanan penggunanya dalam berselancar. Diantaranya ialah dengan
adanya cache dan Password Manager.
Di Internet tentunya banyak suatu website yang isinya tidak berubah
dalam beberapa hari (Contohnya nich.. hehehe Nah, untuk
situs yang seperti ini cache menjadi hal yang sangat berguna. Cache akan
menyimpan file-file hasil browsing sehinga nantinya jika anda
berkunjung lagi ke situs tersebut browser tidak perlu lagi melakukan
download untuk kedua kalinya dari server sehingga setiap halaman situs
yang telah anda buka sebelumnya akan terbuka dengan lebih cepat. Semua
itu biasanya diatur oleh header time to live.
Lho, bagaimana dengan situs-situs penyedia berita yang selalu up to date?
Untuk site yang seperti itu, time to live-nya akan di set=0 sehinga
nantinya anda akan terus melakukan download setiap kali berkunjung.
Cukup nyaman bukan? Ya, tapi ancaman mulai timbul. Cobalah kini anda
jelajahi opsi-opsi yang berkaitan dengan cache pada browser anda. Tentu
anda bisa menemui bahwa ada fasilitas untuk menentukan berapa besarnya
file temporary yang bisa disimpan di harddisk. Cari juga lokasi dimana
file-file tersebut akan disimpan.
Coba anda buka folder tersebut, anda akan menemui file-file html &
file-file gambar dari site-site yang sudah anda kunjungi. Pada Browser
IE, anda bisa melihat lokasi file cache dengan menjelajahi menu Tools
—> Internet options —> Settings
Lalu apa yang bisa didapatkan?? toh cuma file-file “sampah”?? Hmm…
sekarang coba anda copy semua file yang ada di sana ke suatu folder.
Lalu bukalah salah-satu file htmlnya. Jika itu komputer publik,anda bisa
mengetahui situs apa saja yang telah diakses oleh oleh orang sebelum
Hmm.. hanya dengan melihat file temporary anda bahkan bisa melihat
password dan dll. Banyak saya temui situs yang menyimpan password dan
menampilkannya pada url. Tentunya anda juga pasti sering membacanya di
berbagai tutorial.
Kebanyakan browser pada saat ini memiliki fasilitas untuk menyimpan
password. Misalnya saat meggunakan Mozilla Firefox, anda pasti sering
menerima kotak dialog konfirmasi yang menanyakan apakah anda ingin
password anda disimpan atau tidak oleh PasswordManager. Kebanyakan user
cenderung untuk memilih opsi YES, entah itu dengan penuh kesadaran atau
memang mereka tidak tau ( baca: tidak mau tau) apa maksud dari kotak
dialog itu.
Orang lain yang kemudian mengunakan browser itu bisa dengan sangat mudah
mendapatkan password korban dengan memasuki menu Tools —> Options
—> Security –> Saved password.
Contoh lain adalah fasilitas wand password yang dimiliki oleh browser
Opera. Saat anda memasukkan user name dan password pada suatu form dan
menekan tombol submit, opera secara default akan meminta konfirmasi
kepada anda apakah anda ingin browser menyimpan id dan password anda
atau tidak. Lagi dan lagi… kebanyakan netter ceroboh, mereka cenderung
untuk memilih opsi “YES”.
Lalu?? Orang lain yang kemudian menggunakan browser itu bisa melihat
situs apa saja yang telah diakses oleh user, arahkan browser ke situs
tersebut, letakkan cursor pada form isian user name, tekan [ALT]+[ENTER]
dan BOOOMM!!!! Kenapa?? Jangan kaget dulu!! Hehehe.. form login akan
otomatis terisi dengan user name korban lengkap dengan passwordnya ;D
(It’s fun enough..
Ini hanya sebagian kecil contoh, jelajahi fitur-firtur browser lain!
[9]. Googling Banyak sudah situs yang runtuh, password dan nomor – nomor kartu kredit
yang dicuri akibat dari ulah orang yang menyalahgunaan kesaktiannya
Dahulu, hal ini mudah dilakukan.Hanya dengan mengetikkan kata kunci
tertentu yang berkaitan dengan user name dan password, anda bisa memanen
ratusan password user melalui google. Tapi sekarang tampaknya anda
harus gigit jari jika menggunakan cara diatas ;D
Sumber: Cara Mudah Hack Akun Facebook Orang dengan Cepat
Cara Menaikkan Traffic Pengunjung Tips Meraih 100.000 Pengunjung
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Neobux Review Legit Paid To Click
Neobux Review – Description:
Neobux is a Paid to Click advertising service that connects advertisers and potential customers from around the world. It is over five years old and paying PTC site, created on March 25, 2008 and it is the biggest paid to click service and one of the most successful. Although it started as a bux program, changes and additions were implemented to the business model through the years. Today, Neobux is well managed internet advertising company, one of the leaders in the PTC industry. We have placed Neobux on our Established PTC Sites list.
Things we do like about
Well Managed – Neobux has been online for over 5 years. For a PTC site, it is very important how long it has been online and paying. Many programs will pay their users at the beginning, but only few are doing it successfully for years. No doubt, Neobux is professionally managed advertising service. They have a large base of advertisers that display their advertisements to potential customers.
Paying – Neobux is paying its members instantly without any issues. There are a lot of payment proofs on their forum and around the web. On the links below you can find payment proofs from other Neobux members:
Payment proofs on Neobux forum
Payment proofs on Talkptc forum
Neobux proofs of payments on eMoneyspace forum
Instant payments – Your payment will be send within seconds after request. Great option, no need to check your payment processor account every day to see if you have received your payment.
Free Worldwide Service – Members can make money without having to invest any money to get started. There are no any registration restrictions, individuals from all over the world are allowed to join the site and earn with it.
Buxp - Remarkable PTC Take your earning potential to the next level. Do not miss out this great opportunity to earn online!
ClixSense - Simple Way to Earn Online Join this friendly community and start earning real cash for your online activities!
Affiliate System (Increasing DR limits) – Before referring new members to Neobux, make sure that you have clicked at least 100 ads and that you have been registered for at least 15 days. After you meet the conditions, you can have direct referrals. The direct referral limit is set to 30, but the older member you are, the more referrals you may have. You will earn commissions from your direct referrals PTC clicks, completed mini jobs and sales commissions (except advertisements purchases).
Wide Range of Earning Features – NeoBux offers various earning methods to choose from. Users can earn money in numerous ways like viewing ads, completing Micro Jobs, completing Offers, watching videos and playing the Ad Prize game. There are few Offer Walls available: Matomy, Payment Wall, Peanut Labs, Super Rewards and Token Ads.
Forum – They have a forum. In our opinion, a PTC site should have a forum. The forum is a place where members and staff can communicate with each other. Members can post their success stories or doubts, post payment proofs, share the experience that they had with the site, ask for support and stay informed about the recent changes made to the site. Usually, on the forum you can notice the first signs if something is wrong. If members complain about non-payments or payment delays, then most likely the site is experiencing problems.
Downsides – Things to Pay Attention to:
Complaints about the Rented Referral System – We have found complaints about the Neobux rented referrals system. It has been reported by members that they find it quite difficult to make profit from renting referrals. Generally we don’t recommend renting on any PTC site, as we believe it’s not worth the gamble, but that’s something you should decide for yourself. If you decide to use the rented referral system, the only recommendation we could give is to rent/renew rentals on holidays or anniversary celebrations when Neobux usually offers promotions with discounts off standard pricing, so your odds for making profit would be bigger.
Strict Forum Rules – Their forum is well known for being moderated to tight rules when it comes down to specific “sensitive” topics. There are certain issues where they don’t tolerate opposing views. For instance, any expressed doubts about rented referrals behavior most likely will result in forum ban or even account suspension. So be sure to read and understand their TOS 1.6 and 1.7 before posting on their forum.
Bux site – Even though changes and additions were implemented to their original model, Neobux can be still categorized as a bux site. Bux sites usually relies on selling expensive upgrades or renting referrals to pay members and are showing self-sponsored ads as well. The “bux” model have been proven many times as unsustainable, however Neobux proves an exception here because they have a big base of actual advertisers. Which is why they are one of the leaders in the PTC insdustry.
Takes a Long Time to Reach Payout – Despite the fact that there are many ads available to click, if you are member without direct referrals Neobux may be a slow earner, especially if you do not have the time to click all of the ads or if you do not visit the site multiple times per day to click the new ads which are added throughout the day. So it may take long time to earn sufficient amount for payout. Note that Neobux have stepped cash out system in place, which means after the first minimum cash out of $2.00, this amount will increase by $1.00 for each cash out until it reaches a fixed minimum amount of $10.00.
Neobux is a Paid to Click advertising service that connects advertisers and potential customers from around the world. It is over five years old and paying PTC site, created on March 25, 2008 and it is the biggest paid to click service and one of the most successful. Although it started as a bux program, changes and additions were implemented to the business model through the years. Today, Neobux is well managed internet advertising company, one of the leaders in the PTC industry. We have placed Neobux on our Established PTC Sites list.
Things we do like about
Well Managed – Neobux has been online for over 5 years. For a PTC site, it is very important how long it has been online and paying. Many programs will pay their users at the beginning, but only few are doing it successfully for years. No doubt, Neobux is professionally managed advertising service. They have a large base of advertisers that display their advertisements to potential customers.
Paying – Neobux is paying its members instantly without any issues. There are a lot of payment proofs on their forum and around the web. On the links below you can find payment proofs from other Neobux members:
Payment proofs on Neobux forum
Payment proofs on Talkptc forum
Neobux proofs of payments on eMoneyspace forum
Instant payments – Your payment will be send within seconds after request. Great option, no need to check your payment processor account every day to see if you have received your payment.
Free Worldwide Service – Members can make money without having to invest any money to get started. There are no any registration restrictions, individuals from all over the world are allowed to join the site and earn with it.
Buxp - Remarkable PTC Take your earning potential to the next level. Do not miss out this great opportunity to earn online!
ClixSense - Simple Way to Earn Online Join this friendly community and start earning real cash for your online activities!
Affiliate System (Increasing DR limits) – Before referring new members to Neobux, make sure that you have clicked at least 100 ads and that you have been registered for at least 15 days. After you meet the conditions, you can have direct referrals. The direct referral limit is set to 30, but the older member you are, the more referrals you may have. You will earn commissions from your direct referrals PTC clicks, completed mini jobs and sales commissions (except advertisements purchases).
Wide Range of Earning Features – NeoBux offers various earning methods to choose from. Users can earn money in numerous ways like viewing ads, completing Micro Jobs, completing Offers, watching videos and playing the Ad Prize game. There are few Offer Walls available: Matomy, Payment Wall, Peanut Labs, Super Rewards and Token Ads.
Forum – They have a forum. In our opinion, a PTC site should have a forum. The forum is a place where members and staff can communicate with each other. Members can post their success stories or doubts, post payment proofs, share the experience that they had with the site, ask for support and stay informed about the recent changes made to the site. Usually, on the forum you can notice the first signs if something is wrong. If members complain about non-payments or payment delays, then most likely the site is experiencing problems.
Downsides – Things to Pay Attention to:
Complaints about the Rented Referral System – We have found complaints about the Neobux rented referrals system. It has been reported by members that they find it quite difficult to make profit from renting referrals. Generally we don’t recommend renting on any PTC site, as we believe it’s not worth the gamble, but that’s something you should decide for yourself. If you decide to use the rented referral system, the only recommendation we could give is to rent/renew rentals on holidays or anniversary celebrations when Neobux usually offers promotions with discounts off standard pricing, so your odds for making profit would be bigger.
Strict Forum Rules – Their forum is well known for being moderated to tight rules when it comes down to specific “sensitive” topics. There are certain issues where they don’t tolerate opposing views. For instance, any expressed doubts about rented referrals behavior most likely will result in forum ban or even account suspension. So be sure to read and understand their TOS 1.6 and 1.7 before posting on their forum.
Bux site – Even though changes and additions were implemented to their original model, Neobux can be still categorized as a bux site. Bux sites usually relies on selling expensive upgrades or renting referrals to pay members and are showing self-sponsored ads as well. The “bux” model have been proven many times as unsustainable, however Neobux proves an exception here because they have a big base of actual advertisers. Which is why they are one of the leaders in the PTC insdustry.
Takes a Long Time to Reach Payout – Despite the fact that there are many ads available to click, if you are member without direct referrals Neobux may be a slow earner, especially if you do not have the time to click all of the ads or if you do not visit the site multiple times per day to click the new ads which are added throughout the day. So it may take long time to earn sufficient amount for payout. Note that Neobux have stepped cash out system in place, which means after the first minimum cash out of $2.00, this amount will increase by $1.00 for each cash out until it reaches a fixed minimum amount of $10.00.
Cara Mudah Dapat Dollar Dengan Clicksor
Kali ini ingin memberikan sebuah referensi untuk Cara Mudah Dapat Dollar Dengan Clicksor.Clicksor
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- Email : isi dengan alamat email yang valid
- Confirm email : isi kembali dengan email anda
- Website : isi dengan blog yang ingin daftarkan menjadi publisher
- Phone : nomor telepon/handphone kamu
- Time zone isi dengan (GMT + 07:00) Bangkok,Hanoi,Jakarta
- Pasword : buat pasword yang mudah anda ingat , bila perlu dicatat saja agar tidak lupa
- Confirm Pasword : ketik ulang pasword anda
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- Company : isi dengan apa aja misalnya Blogger atau boleh dengan kata yang lain
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Jingling bot Link : adfly link download
Working sites with jingling : [it will be updated for any new site]
[Mention : Copy the site below if you want without ref :/ or click on link to direct u under my ref ]
Website on behalf hanging service so special?
1. Users do not need to use flow wizard hang can get traffic;
2. Using the Website on behalf hanging more traffic, more stable, more power, more peace of mind;
3. Selectable when the user opened on behalf hanging 500IP 1000IP, 3000IP 6000IP 10000IP 15000IP 20000IP, 30000IP amount of traffic;
4. Linked to the number of flow the IP: PV about 1:3, the same URL repeated on behalf of the more, the greater the flow (have duplicate IP) the greater IP: PV;
The flow optimization services which are the characteristics?
1. Supports the playback page is loaded in Flash;
2. Users can add up to 30 source URL;
3. User can arbitrarily set the proportion of pop;
4. Users can add up to 10 destination URL;
5. The user can set the page visit duration;
5. Users can set up their own IP: PV 1:9;
7 .Users can arbitrarily set their own target URL access proportion;
8. The user can arbitrarily set their own traffic details areas of origin;
9. The destination URL is no longer subject to the restrictions http (s) :/ / beginning;
10. Optimization services need to meet the on-hook or on behalf hanging services use, optimize service itself does not provide any traffic;
What are the characteristics of paid-hook service?
1. All registered users will be free to use;
2. Hang up the points, hanging, obtained;
3. Credits can be used for online service center recharge;
4. Credits can be used for cash change money for their own use;
5. Credits can be used for mutual transfer between users, integrating transactions;
I was able to add a number of web sites?
1. The wizard students: up online add 60 URL;
2. Wizard the Bachelor: up online to add 100 URLs;
3. The Elf Master: Up to add 150 Online Website;
4. The Wizard Dr.: up online to add 200 URLs;
5. Wizard postdoctoral: up online to add 300 URLs;
What is the user level, integral?
User Level: Online Service Center user level: the wizard students (0-2000 Points), the wizard Bachelor (2000-8000 Points), the Elf Master (8000-30000 integral), Elf Dr. (30000-100000 integral), Elf postdoctoral ( more than 100000 Points);
Points: User login every day send 50 points users to send recharge (recharge amount * 10) Points;
What is a prepaid gift, the class bonus time gift?
The prepaid gift: users recharge amount presented to the user according to the recharge activities rules;
Level Bonus: users recharge according to the user level to the user's award amount, award amount = recharge amount * 5% (Wizard Bachelor), recharge amount * 10% (Wizard Master), the recharge amount * 15% of (elves Dr.), recharge amount * 20% (Wizard postdoctoral);
The time gift: the user opened the service, select one-time fee can enjoy time gift, buy 20 get 1 free, buy 30 get 2 days, bought 60 days to send six days get 16 days to buy 120 days, 180 days to buy for the next 30 days;
Online service center steps
Click Online Add URL Figure:
Enter the URL , as shown:
Bind URL ID , copy or record under URL ID As: URL in the the Flow Wizard "URL entry field add the number, as shown:
Detailed list of URLs
The list of URLs As of the basic functions:
1. Modified : Open the optimization settings page, used to modify the website optimization related settings;
2. History : View the last 30 days of accumulated flow and the last 30 days of daily flow sharing data;
3. Stop / open sharing : used to control whether the need to share traffic and attention to stop sharing traffic does not suspend the service time;
4. Curve : open the control page flow curve for compressed traffic to a specific flow curve;
5. Areas : open flow area control page, used to control the flow area of origin;
6. Optimization settings : Open the the optimization settings page, used to modify the URL optimization related settings;
7. Immediately open (on behalf of hanging) : Open-generation linked to the service opening page, used to open URL-generation hanging services;
8. Immediately open (optimization) : Open to optimize service provisioning page for open flow optimization services;
Detailed URL bulk operations
URL bulk operations function in Figure:
Select : Select All URL for batch operation, the user can check the URL you want to set the check box;
1. Open sharing : open the selected URL traffic share;
2. Stop Share : Selected URLs stop all traffic sharing;
3. Remove URL : delete all the selected URL, note that the service is not the end of the URL can not be deleted;
4. URL settings : open the the batch settings page, all the URL-volume set;
5. Opening / renewals on behalf of the hanging : Batch opened on behalf of hanging services, has opened renewals processing services for the hanging of the selected URL;
Open / renew optimization : bulk selected URL opened optimization services, have opened renewals processing optimization services;
Optimization settings Xiangjie
Optimization settings - basic settings, as shown:
1. Name of the site : You can modify this to add the name of the URL, identify, and sort by site name easier to find URLs arranged in groups;
2. My URL : modify add the URL, my URL to access the main entrance address, its source from the source list of URLs randomly selected in proportion;
3. The access sub entrance : the entrance to enter the sub-flow in this setting, traffic from multiple entry into the site, and can specify the source of each entrance;
4. The entry list : display the current set entrance URL, share entrance proportion imported from way;
5. Add entrance : used to add sub-entrance URL the sub entrance domain name must be consistent with the main entrance (URL), entrance proportion to how much of the total traffic flow through the entrance into the;
6. Entrance Sources : Specify corresponding inlet URL source, use the source list represents the pro rata from the source list of URLs easily selected directly access the source said no direct access to the user to specify a unique source URL custom source;
7. Add / Remove : entrance URL is added to the entry list, and delete from the list of entries in the entrance URL;
8. IP: PV proportion : Set the IP and PV ratio, the default 1:3, open optimization services can be set to 1:9, 6 start from the PV ratio, will reduce the total flow;
9. Visit duration : set the dwell time to access a single page (single PV) multiples, The ultimate residence time with web access speed;
10. Sub-page access : automatic access website added in random access sub-page, the number of visits by IP and PV proportion decided to repeat refresh add URL access, access to a sub-page, refresh the page open repeatedly, the number of times by the IP and PV proportion of the decision, and added the URL have to jump, then refresh the page after the jump, and re-visit not access the sub-pages, access the Add URL, to re-visit again added URL, the number of times by the IP and PV ratio decided the the added URL have to jump, each visit will jump match visit to set up a match string, Find subpages links will be accessed only contains the feature string subpages;
Optimization settings Xiangjie
Optimization settings - advanced settings, as shown:
Name of the site : You can modify this to add the name of the URL, identify, and sort by site name easier to find URLs arranged in groups;
My URL : modify add the URL, my URL to access the main entrance address, its source from the source list of URLs randomly selected in proportion;
The access sub entrance : the entrance to enter the sub-flow in this setting, traffic from multiple entry into the site, and can specify the source of each entrance;
The entry list : display the current set entrance URL, share entrance proportion imported from way;
Add entrance : used to add sub-entrance URL the sub entrance domain name must be consistent with the main entrance (URL), entrance proportion to how much of the total traffic flow through the entrance into the;
Entrance Sources : Specify corresponding inlet URL source, use the source list represents the pro rata from the source list of URLs easily selected directly access the source said no direct access to the user to specify a unique source URL custom source;
Add / Remove : entrance URL is added to the entry list, and delete from the list of entries in the entrance URL;
IP: PV proportion : Set the IP and PV ratio, the default 1:3, open optimization services can be set to 1:9, 6 start from the PV ratio, will reduce the total flow;
Visit duration : set the dwell time to access a single page (single PV) multiples, The ultimate residence time with web access speed;
Sub-page access : automatic access website added in random access sub-page, the number of visits by IP and PV proportion decided to repeat refresh add URL access, access to a sub-page, refresh the page open repeatedly, the number of times by the IP and PV proportion of the decision, and added the URL have to jump, then refresh the page after the jump, and re-visit not access the sub-pages, access the Add URL, to re-visit again added URL, the number of times by the IP and PV ratio decided the the added URL have to jump, each visit will jump match visit to set up a match string, Find subpages links will be accessed only contains the feature string subpages;
Optimization settings Xiangjie
Optimization settings - advanced settings, as shown:
1. Enable popup mode : check this option to allow your site to some pages window pops up, pay attention to the hidden pop-up in the background;
2. The proportion of pop : set up a website the probability of the pop-up window, the default of 5%, that means access to 100 sites, five times to allow pop open optimization services can set your own scale 1-100%;
3. Enable the destination URL : the software will check the URL set goal find access to the destination URL link qualified;
4. Set goal / remaining proportion : expressed to allow add target URL number and proportion of access to the destination URL unused;
5. The target list : the proportion of the target URL access, whether to enable access sub-page target destination URL has been added;
6. Target type : Select the type you want to add the destination URL link address, link title, regardless of what type are aimed Find a match click the target link in order to carry out accurate;
7. Destination URL : enter the string used to find the target features match the destination URL;
8. Proportion of access : destination URL is clicked, the probability of access proportion of 1% by default, that is to visit 100 sites, have access to the target URL;
9. Access sub-page goal : If you do not hook the bird to find access to the target URL in the user add pages, if this box is checked, the user will be random access sub-pages in the sub-pages to find access to the target URL, check the items may result in access proportion is lower than the set value;
10. Add / Delete : used to add the destination URL to the target list of URLs, as well as the destination URL is removed from the target list of URLs;
11. Enable Source URL : Check the software will use the source in the source list as my URL (main entrance) traffic sources;
12. Can be set source / direct access : allows the number of add the source URL and do not use direct access to the source of the flow ratio of;
13. Show the way : You can specify the source URL list displayed directly, "said the source URL is not any treatment, add what you show what" parsing search keyword parsing and display of the source URL;
12. Source List : shows the proportion and source URL information sources has been added;
15. Add the source : the input you want to add the source URL and a specified proportion of its share of traffic sources;
16. Add / Modify / Delete : used to add the source URL to the source list, modify, and delete the source URL list sources;
17. Batch add sources : Bulk Edit operation for source URL, need to pay attention to the source URL line format must correct format: the proportion of the source URL, for example: 10,, indicating the http: / / the sources account the proportion of the source of 10%;
18. Modification is completed, Update : any set of modifications last must click on the button to update the settings;
Hanging open URL-generation services?
URL-generation linked to the service bar in the address list, click "immediately opened, as shown:
Website on behalf hanging page open As:
Note: The opening of the service will be included in the rest of the day, the rest of the day is not calculated in whole days, and charge the cost of the remaining time;
How to open traffic optimization services?
In the list of URLs traffic optimization service bar, click "open" Now, as shown:
Traffic optimization page opens Figure:
Note: The opening of the service will be included in the rest of the day, the rest of the day is not calculated in whole days, and charge the cost of the remaining time;!
+rep and thanks appreciate if that help u !
Jingling bot Link : adfly link download
Working sites with jingling : [it will be updated for any new site]
[Mention : Copy the site below if you want without ref :/ or click on link to direct u under my ref ]
Website on behalf hanging service so special?
1. Users do not need to use flow wizard hang can get traffic;
2. Using the Website on behalf hanging more traffic, more stable, more power, more peace of mind;
3. Selectable when the user opened on behalf hanging 500IP 1000IP, 3000IP 6000IP 10000IP 15000IP 20000IP, 30000IP amount of traffic;
4. Linked to the number of flow the IP: PV about 1:3, the same URL repeated on behalf of the more, the greater the flow (have duplicate IP) the greater IP: PV;
The flow optimization services which are the characteristics?
1. Supports the playback page is loaded in Flash;
2. Users can add up to 30 source URL;
3. User can arbitrarily set the proportion of pop;
4. Users can add up to 10 destination URL;
5. The user can set the page visit duration;
5. Users can set up their own IP: PV 1:9;
7 .Users can arbitrarily set their own target URL access proportion;
8. The user can arbitrarily set their own traffic details areas of origin;
9. The destination URL is no longer subject to the restrictions http (s) :/ / beginning;
10. Optimization services need to meet the on-hook or on behalf hanging services use, optimize service itself does not provide any traffic;
What are the characteristics of paid-hook service?
1. All registered users will be free to use;
2. Hang up the points, hanging, obtained;
3. Credits can be used for online service center recharge;
4. Credits can be used for cash change money for their own use;
5. Credits can be used for mutual transfer between users, integrating transactions;
I was able to add a number of web sites?
1. The wizard students: up online add 60 URL;
2. Wizard the Bachelor: up online to add 100 URLs;
3. The Elf Master: Up to add 150 Online Website;
4. The Wizard Dr.: up online to add 200 URLs;
5. Wizard postdoctoral: up online to add 300 URLs;
What is the user level, integral?
User Level: Online Service Center user level: the wizard students (0-2000 Points), the wizard Bachelor (2000-8000 Points), the Elf Master (8000-30000 integral), Elf Dr. (30000-100000 integral), Elf postdoctoral ( more than 100000 Points);
Points: User login every day send 50 points users to send recharge (recharge amount * 10) Points;
What is a prepaid gift, the class bonus time gift?
The prepaid gift: users recharge amount presented to the user according to the recharge activities rules;
Level Bonus: users recharge according to the user level to the user's award amount, award amount = recharge amount * 5% (Wizard Bachelor), recharge amount * 10% (Wizard Master), the recharge amount * 15% of (elves Dr.), recharge amount * 20% (Wizard postdoctoral);
The time gift: the user opened the service, select one-time fee can enjoy time gift, buy 20 get 1 free, buy 30 get 2 days, bought 60 days to send six days get 16 days to buy 120 days, 180 days to buy for the next 30 days;
Online service center steps
Click Online Add URL Figure:
Enter the URL , as shown:
Bind URL ID , copy or record under URL ID As: URL in the the Flow Wizard "URL entry field add the number, as shown:
Detailed list of URLs
The list of URLs As of the basic functions:
1. Modified : Open the optimization settings page, used to modify the website optimization related settings;
2. History : View the last 30 days of accumulated flow and the last 30 days of daily flow sharing data;
3. Stop / open sharing : used to control whether the need to share traffic and attention to stop sharing traffic does not suspend the service time;
4. Curve : open the control page flow curve for compressed traffic to a specific flow curve;
5. Areas : open flow area control page, used to control the flow area of origin;
6. Optimization settings : Open the the optimization settings page, used to modify the URL optimization related settings;
7. Immediately open (on behalf of hanging) : Open-generation linked to the service opening page, used to open URL-generation hanging services;
8. Immediately open (optimization) : Open to optimize service provisioning page for open flow optimization services;
Detailed URL bulk operations
URL bulk operations function in Figure:
Select : Select All URL for batch operation, the user can check the URL you want to set the check box;
1. Open sharing : open the selected URL traffic share;
2. Stop Share : Selected URLs stop all traffic sharing;
3. Remove URL : delete all the selected URL, note that the service is not the end of the URL can not be deleted;
4. URL settings : open the the batch settings page, all the URL-volume set;
5. Opening / renewals on behalf of the hanging : Batch opened on behalf of hanging services, has opened renewals processing services for the hanging of the selected URL;
Open / renew optimization : bulk selected URL opened optimization services, have opened renewals processing optimization services;
Optimization settings Xiangjie
Optimization settings - basic settings, as shown:
1. Name of the site : You can modify this to add the name of the URL, identify, and sort by site name easier to find URLs arranged in groups;
2. My URL : modify add the URL, my URL to access the main entrance address, its source from the source list of URLs randomly selected in proportion;
3. The access sub entrance : the entrance to enter the sub-flow in this setting, traffic from multiple entry into the site, and can specify the source of each entrance;
4. The entry list : display the current set entrance URL, share entrance proportion imported from way;
5. Add entrance : used to add sub-entrance URL the sub entrance domain name must be consistent with the main entrance (URL), entrance proportion to how much of the total traffic flow through the entrance into the;
6. Entrance Sources : Specify corresponding inlet URL source, use the source list represents the pro rata from the source list of URLs easily selected directly access the source said no direct access to the user to specify a unique source URL custom source;
7. Add / Remove : entrance URL is added to the entry list, and delete from the list of entries in the entrance URL;
8. IP: PV proportion : Set the IP and PV ratio, the default 1:3, open optimization services can be set to 1:9, 6 start from the PV ratio, will reduce the total flow;
9. Visit duration : set the dwell time to access a single page (single PV) multiples, The ultimate residence time with web access speed;
10. Sub-page access : automatic access website added in random access sub-page, the number of visits by IP and PV proportion decided to repeat refresh add URL access, access to a sub-page, refresh the page open repeatedly, the number of times by the IP and PV proportion of the decision, and added the URL have to jump, then refresh the page after the jump, and re-visit not access the sub-pages, access the Add URL, to re-visit again added URL, the number of times by the IP and PV ratio decided the the added URL have to jump, each visit will jump match visit to set up a match string, Find subpages links will be accessed only contains the feature string subpages;
Optimization settings Xiangjie
Optimization settings - advanced settings, as shown:
Name of the site : You can modify this to add the name of the URL, identify, and sort by site name easier to find URLs arranged in groups;
My URL : modify add the URL, my URL to access the main entrance address, its source from the source list of URLs randomly selected in proportion;
The access sub entrance : the entrance to enter the sub-flow in this setting, traffic from multiple entry into the site, and can specify the source of each entrance;
The entry list : display the current set entrance URL, share entrance proportion imported from way;
Add entrance : used to add sub-entrance URL the sub entrance domain name must be consistent with the main entrance (URL), entrance proportion to how much of the total traffic flow through the entrance into the;
Entrance Sources : Specify corresponding inlet URL source, use the source list represents the pro rata from the source list of URLs easily selected directly access the source said no direct access to the user to specify a unique source URL custom source;
Add / Remove : entrance URL is added to the entry list, and delete from the list of entries in the entrance URL;
IP: PV proportion : Set the IP and PV ratio, the default 1:3, open optimization services can be set to 1:9, 6 start from the PV ratio, will reduce the total flow;
Visit duration : set the dwell time to access a single page (single PV) multiples, The ultimate residence time with web access speed;
Sub-page access : automatic access website added in random access sub-page, the number of visits by IP and PV proportion decided to repeat refresh add URL access, access to a sub-page, refresh the page open repeatedly, the number of times by the IP and PV proportion of the decision, and added the URL have to jump, then refresh the page after the jump, and re-visit not access the sub-pages, access the Add URL, to re-visit again added URL, the number of times by the IP and PV ratio decided the the added URL have to jump, each visit will jump match visit to set up a match string, Find subpages links will be accessed only contains the feature string subpages;
Optimization settings Xiangjie
Optimization settings - advanced settings, as shown:
1. Enable popup mode : check this option to allow your site to some pages window pops up, pay attention to the hidden pop-up in the background;
2. The proportion of pop : set up a website the probability of the pop-up window, the default of 5%, that means access to 100 sites, five times to allow pop open optimization services can set your own scale 1-100%;
3. Enable the destination URL : the software will check the URL set goal find access to the destination URL link qualified;
4. Set goal / remaining proportion : expressed to allow add target URL number and proportion of access to the destination URL unused;
5. The target list : the proportion of the target URL access, whether to enable access sub-page target destination URL has been added;
6. Target type : Select the type you want to add the destination URL link address, link title, regardless of what type are aimed Find a match click the target link in order to carry out accurate;
7. Destination URL : enter the string used to find the target features match the destination URL;
8. Proportion of access : destination URL is clicked, the probability of access proportion of 1% by default, that is to visit 100 sites, have access to the target URL;
9. Access sub-page goal : If you do not hook the bird to find access to the target URL in the user add pages, if this box is checked, the user will be random access sub-pages in the sub-pages to find access to the target URL, check the items may result in access proportion is lower than the set value;
10. Add / Delete : used to add the destination URL to the target list of URLs, as well as the destination URL is removed from the target list of URLs;
11. Enable Source URL : Check the software will use the source in the source list as my URL (main entrance) traffic sources;
12. Can be set source / direct access : allows the number of add the source URL and do not use direct access to the source of the flow ratio of;
13. Show the way : You can specify the source URL list displayed directly, "said the source URL is not any treatment, add what you show what" parsing search keyword parsing and display of the source URL;
12. Source List : shows the proportion and source URL information sources has been added;
15. Add the source : the input you want to add the source URL and a specified proportion of its share of traffic sources;
16. Add / Modify / Delete : used to add the source URL to the source list, modify, and delete the source URL list sources;
17. Batch add sources : Bulk Edit operation for source URL, need to pay attention to the source URL line format must correct format: the proportion of the source URL, for example: 10,, indicating the http: / / the sources account the proportion of the source of 10%;
18. Modification is completed, Update : any set of modifications last must click on the button to update the settings;
Hanging open URL-generation services?
URL-generation linked to the service bar in the address list, click "immediately opened, as shown:
Website on behalf hanging page open As:
Note: The opening of the service will be included in the rest of the day, the rest of the day is not calculated in whole days, and charge the cost of the remaining time;
How to open traffic optimization services?
In the list of URLs traffic optimization service bar, click "open" Now, as shown:
Traffic optimization page opens Figure:
Note: The opening of the service will be included in the rest of the day, the rest of the day is not calculated in whole days, and charge the cost of the remaining time;!
+rep and thanks appreciate if that help u !